Human Resources|01.05.2024

Words on innovative thinking

Innovation - an inflationary term that can be found almost as standard in the visions, strategies and values of modern companies today. This is also the case with us - but that is precisely why we go one step further. We don't so much write innovation on our company banner as effectively live it in our everyday lives, and have been doing so for years, if not decades. But what does innovation mean in our actions, in the responsibility of a traditional family business, which is how I would describe ourselves?

Words on innovative thinking

"Innovation is the ability to see change not as a threat, but as an opportunity."
Steve Jobs

This is a quote from Steve Jobs that perfectly sums up the core of the innovative mindset. Without wanting to emulate Steve Jobs with yet another smartphone on the market, we live this value of openness to change just as much - every day and in all our activities. In our more than 100 years of existence, not only have our company and the market changed constantly - the nature of change has also changed. Everything has become faster, bigger and more important, because today we tell ourselves that we no longer have time. We have also adapted to these megatrends - but we have never lost our sense of calm in our work. With an awareness of our traditional core values, the appreciation of employees, partners, customers and nature, and with great respect for cultures and nationalities, we deal with the trends of today.

We make decisions on the measures we want to take to support trend reversals with patience and forbearance. Our projects are always conceived for the long term and always have a long history of planning, risk assessment and conscious decisions. The innovations we are presenting today are the result of great collaboration with equally innovative partners and the active support of our management, our management team and all our employees. At the same time, these innovations are also a starting signal for even greater thinking and essential milestones on the way to achieving major goals. Let's continue to achieve great things together.

Peter Galliker, CEO & BoD

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Words on innovative thinking
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Galliker Transport AG

Förderverein Galliker Green Logistics

Kantonsstrasse 2
CH-6246 Altishofen
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© 2024 Galliker Transport AG