Human Resources|26.03.2022

Galliker Driving event under the banner of sustainability

The mandatory CZV training courses for truck drivers become a sustainable experience at Galliker. The focus is on Green Logistics by Galliker and strengthening the Galliker team spirit - both in line with the motto - Moving big things together.

Galliker Driving event under the banner of sustain...

On Saturday, March 26, 2022, the mandatory CZV further training became an experience: Galliker is combining this year's courses with a varied employee event for all Galliker drivers in Switzerland. The focus of the eight or so driver events, which will take place between March and September 2022, will be on the diverse green logistics experiences and projects at Galliker.

Test drives and lots of interesting facts
In the morning, the drivers first completed the mandatory CZV course. Work was followed by pleasure: At lunch, those present were treated to culinary delights - the selection was varied and tempting. The afternoon's offerings were just as varied. The various themed islands provided the drivers with interesting facts about Galliker Green Logistics, offered an insight into the technology of alternative vehicle drive options and gave the drivers the opportunity to determine their personal footprint. The employees also got behind the wheel of the modern alternative Galliker vehicle fleet themselves for test drives on the Galliker site. In addition to the hydrogen and electric trucks, various car models with alternative drive systems were also available to employees for test drives.

Moving big things together
The most important and most appreciated part of the event was the personal exchange with each other and the shared experience, both of which led to a further strengthening of cohesion and the Galliker team spirit. Galliker is proud of the many motivated Galliker employees who picked up speed again on Monday and are full of drive to continue moving big things together.

to further impressions (photo clip)

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Galliker Transport AG

Förderverein Galliker Green Logistics

Kantonsstrasse 2
CH-6246 Altishofen
© 2024 Galliker Transport AG
© 2024 Galliker Transport AG