
E-Power terminal in Altishofen goes into operation

The e-truck fleet of Galliker Transport AG continues to grow steadily. In summer 2024, Designwerk will be adding more new e-autoporters - a further contribution to the Green Logistics goal that at least half of the fleet should be based on an alternative drive by 2040. However, to ensure that the electric vehicles can be operated quickly and immediately integrated into the operational process, it is essential to provide the appropriate e-charging infrastructure. Recently, the E-Power-Terminal, positioned in the Car Logistics area, became the 15th location to contribute to the capacity of the Galliker charging infrastructure with a further 12 charging connections as a central point.

E-Power terminal in Altishofen goes into operation

The right space for the necessary charging infrastructure was created at the Car Terminal in Altishofen for the additional e-car transporters, which will go into operation this summer/autumn. Using tried-and-tested technology, which was also used in the E-Power Tunnel at Logistics Center 3, 12 truck parking spaces were equipped with the appropriate infrastructure.

Four power units, each with an output of 400 kW, supply the 12 charging stations. Thanks to the clever positioning and the appropriate technology, six charging stations can deliver 200 kW each, four 75 kW each and two 50 kW each. The flexibility gained in this way allows demand-optimized charging of the truck batteries, which in turn can store up to 1 MWh. The charging process primarily takes place in the evening and at night, when the Car Logistics trucks are not in use.

E-Power Terminal is part of the company's own medium-voltage grid South

The Car Terminal, and therefore the E-Power Terminal installed there, is part of Galliker Transport AG's own medium-voltage area network South. This means that it is supplied via the site's own power grid. In addition to connecting several buildings, this also includes various PV systems and even a battery storage system so that the solar power produced during the day can be retained and retrieved for night-time charging processes.

An additional transformer had to be installed in the basement of the Car Terminal to ensure the installation and sufficient availability of electricity. The four power units are also located in the basement in such a way that the system can be expanded. In principle, this makes it possible to equip 18 additional truck parking spaces in the Car Terminal with e-charging stations.

We are proud that the construction and installation of these twelve charging points went smoothly. A big thank you to everyone involved in this project. With the commissioning of the E-Power Terminal, Galliker is taking another consistent step towards the decarbonization of its own truck fleet.

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E-Power terminal in Altishofen goes into operation
E-Power terminal in Altishofen goes into operation
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Galliker Transport AG

Förderverein Galliker Green Logistics

Kantonsstrasse 2
CH-6246 Altishofen
© 2024 Galliker Transport AG
© 2024 Galliker Transport AG